Faith Kids Church during 11 am Worship Service (ages 3 - 8+, after songs & greeting)

You can expect your child to be welcomed to class by our volunteer teachers, and presented with truths from God's word using stories, crafts, games and more! 

Faith Kids Worship takes place during the 11 am worship time on Sunday morning.  Children are welcome to worship with you during the entire service or stay with you for just the song service and then join Faith Kids Church during the sermon. 

For children with physical, learning, or behavioral challenges, our teachers are committed to working with your family to help your child feel welcome and included in our activities to the best of their ability.

We believe that EVERY child is important and precious in God's kingdom!

Parents are ALWAYS WELCOME in class to observe and participate. 

Volunteer Background Check

For the safety of our volunteers and participants, all volunteers who work with children or youth at Faith Family Christian Center must consent to a criminal background check.  Please print the form and then bring the completed form to our church office (or you can ask personnel at the church to print the form for you if needed).

pdficon small Volunteer Background Check Form

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To make giving an easy process for our church, we have partnered with PushPay® for our online and mobile giving platforms. PushPay is completely safe and very secure. You can read more about PushPay security here.

You can give online by clicking the "DONATE online" button
or by downloading the Faith Family Christian Center App in your favorite App Store.

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