
Open June 28 - July 4 -  Buy your fireworks here and spread the word!

Our sales tent will be setup in the church parking lot:

Faith Family Christian Center
38th & Ocean Beach Hwy

Volunteers Needed June 27 - July 5: (sign up sheet in church foyer)

* Unload the truck and stock the tent.
* Security watch day and night to keep our product safe!
* Sales people to help customers find the right products for them
* Baggers to help the cashiers (especially during our busiest days July 2,3, and 4).
* Flaggers to parade our signs on the sidewalks and draw attention to our sales tent.

Simple. Fast. Secure.

To make giving an easy process for our church, we have partnered with PushPay® for our online and mobile giving platforms. PushPay is completely safe and very secure. You can read more about PushPay security here.

You can give online by clicking the "DONATE online" button
or by downloading the Faith Family Christian Center App in your favorite App Store.

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